Sunday 9 February 2014

"Life Decisions?!"

So as you may know, I am fifteen years old. I've not even been alive two decades and I feel like every single day I have to make another decision that will affect, my future, my family, friends or career even. Take GCSE's for example- so many decisions that will affect my whole life potentially! If you aren't from the UK and you don't know what GCSE's are (count yourself lucky), they are exams that you do around the age of fifteen/sixteen. Now if you don't get a certain number of GCSE's at a certain standard, you can't go to college or sixth form to do A Levels (age 16-18) and therefore you cannot go to university (18+)... blah blah blah. But here's the thing; if I don't pick the "right choices" for GCSE and A Level, I won't be able to do the course I want to at university and therefore it becomes so much harder (and in some cases impossible) to get into whatever profession it is that I want to be in. In my opinion this is RIDICULOUS. At the age of fifteen to eighteen everything is changing, I know for me in the past school year alone my life has felt like a roller coaster at times as well as a growing sense of teenage angst, so to me it seems like the stupidest thing that we have to make decisions that are going to affect our whole lives, right?

So I've decided to stop worrying. Don't mistake me not worrying for not caring however because decisions I make now will (whether I like it or not) affect my whole life. But I am determined to stop forward planning and just take life as it comes. Live each day as it comes and not worry about tomorrow or yesterday.

I hope you're all well and I apologise for not writing for a while!

“No matter how much you stress or obsess about the past or future, you can't change either one. In the present is where your power lies.”