Thursday 16 January 2014


Despite being one myself, girls really confuse me. Well probably not just girls.. Maybe if I say that people in general confuse me it'd be more accurate. It's like, people bitch but don't want to be bitched about. They lie, but don't want to be lied to. They cheat, but don't want to be cheated on. So on and so forth. It's ridiculous! And of course, I'm no exception to this rule. I bitch about people probably on a daily basis, which is awful, but I get offended, hurt or even upset if I find out that people have bitched or are bitching about me. So why do I do it to other people? To me it doesn't seem fair. Also, why can't everyone just be equal?! I think it is ridiculous that people judge other people on their skin tones or the way they live or the way they dress, if you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you! (Hopefully.)
Another thing that confuses me about humans is, why can we not just come out and say what we really mean or how we really feel? If a boy likes a girl for example, why can he not just tell her?! (equally vice versa) Or if we don't like a person, why can we not just tell them that? Not in a nasty or offensive way.. Just in a matter-of-fact sort of way. I think that would cut out a lot of confusion. Like I mentioned in my first post, if you're not happy in a relationship say so and get out of it... I blatantly understand it's not that easy but I make my own brain hurt just trying to think about why the human race has to make everything so god damned complicated! Believe me, I could write forever about this but I'll keep it short and sweet.

“There is no shortage of fault to be found amid our stars” - John Green, The Fault In Our Stars

I apologise that my posts are perhaps a little on the short side but I can say all that I need to say in that space and also people seem to be enjoying my posts, thank you everyone for positive feedback!

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