Tuesday 14 January 2014

"It's Just a Game"

Hope you're all having a good week! I've received some lovely comments about my blog, so thank you! I'm up to nearly 300 views across two posts which is slightly mental!

 I know that this next "pet peeve" probably won't actually annoy a lot of you, but it always has annoyed me and it became ever clearer following my double games lesson this afternoon.
So we were doing games (PE.. Gym.. Whatever you want to call it) and in the double lesson were our competitive house matches. Basically at my school there are four houses (Langness, Carrick, Bradda and Scarlett) and we each house plays a game of in this case netball against each of the other houses.
Today's rant is actually about people who take playing these little school games far too serious! We all have that one person in our year who is set on the fact that their team has just got to win. They're overly determined, over confident and always the most annoying thing on two legs at that time. The constant clapping and congratulating (not forgetting self congratulation of course) really gets on my nerves. When I'm cold, soaked from the rain and overly tired the last thing I want is some preppy little shit yelling "come on girls" and prancing around like they're one of the PE staff. Don't get me wrong, these people are absolutely fine in any other lesson and I don't dislike them at all but trust me when I say, I was close to throwing the bloody netball at one or two of them today.

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” -Aristotle 

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