Saturday 11 January 2014

"To New Beginnings"

It really is getting silly now how many different times I've restarted my blog but this time I am genuinely determined to stick with it; I suppose if I believed in New Years resolutions this would be mine. The new blog will basically be me ranting about various people and situations in my angst filled teenage existence which I'm sure to a lot of people wouldn't be that interesting to read and therefore they'll choose to click onto my page to find out what it is about and very promptly click off it again and this I'm completely okay with! I am however sure that this blog may reach out to some of the teenage population of the world as with any luck it will genuinely be a bit relatable because after all, I can't be the only one in shitty situations right?

So my first post is about what seems to be "acceptable" in relationships. Recently a friend of mine had a slight boyfriend dilemma. This guy had, in short, been getting extremely friendly with another girl. Now, by that I do not mean that they were secretly meeting up and kissing or something, I mean they had been extremely close friends and by the looks of tweets and messages etc., they were getting very close. Close enough that they had been telling each-other that they loved one another and although he said it didn't mean anything (after deleting all of the messages from and to this girl) I have been questioning, does that make it right?  And this thought then got me thinking what is and is not acceptable in relationships? Having only had one myself in year eight which I can safely promise you meant nothing and went nowhere, I am probably not the ideal person to be questioning this but my eager mind has simply not left this question alone. I suppose that in an ideal relationship honesty would be the key. If either person is unhappy I think being honest and not trying to hold on to something that just isn't working any more is extremely important. However, rose tinted goggles is a very appropriate saying when it comes to relationships. It basically means that you see things in a positive light all the time simply because a situation was positive at one time. Obviously I'm not saying that letting go immediately is always the right or best thing to do and whilst some things are harder to let go of than others and each relationship has its own complications this does not mean that sneaking around behind a partners back is ever the right thing to do because after all, both people will probably end up getting hurt. So back to my original point, is it acceptable to say I Love You to a member of the opposite gender when you're in a relationship? I would definitely say that it varies from situation to situation, you can be best friends and not have any feelings but the polar opposite to this is that one person could have secret feelings and the other person just may not realise. In many ways I actually am very glad that I'm single because the problems that seem to come with relationships sound horrendous and it seems like boyfriends or girlfriends can really make or break a person.

I think the lesson from this is being honest is always the best thing, telling the truth in the short term and having a few days or even a couple of weeks of hurt and upset is so much better than long term consequences and hurt.

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