Sunday 12 January 2014

"The Unfortunate Reality"

When I was little (okay and still to this day) I really loved Disney films. They were magical stories about Princesses and Princes and they always had a fairytale ending. Then as I grew slightly older I was exposed to the magic that was Disney Channel and therefore films such as High School Musical which made high school seem big, exciting and really friendly. Disney taught me that being myself would always going to win me friends and if I stuck with what I believed in, it would all work out in the end  (also that random singing was always perfectly acceptable). However going from primary school to secondary school (high school) was nothing like Disney made it seem. Maybe it was simply childhood innocence but I cannot be the only one who thinks that this was an unrealistic view of genuine teenage life. The characters were always so full of energy and although everyone knows that Sharpay was a bitch, it all worked out in the end. The sad reality is that schools in the twenty first century aren't like that at all. Walking around school you pass so many people who are all dealing with so many problems of their own which you'll probably never know. It's crazy to me that everyone has their own little worlds that it's unlikely I'll have the slightest clue about. Back to my point, I was given really this really unrealistic view of the world from Disney films which on the one hand is great because when I was little it encouraged me to dream about the future but on the other hand it filled me with this false hope that being myself would get me through any situation however that is not the way the world works unfortunately. I don't want this to have been a completely negative post however and so I'll end on something a little more positive. 
Why can't we learn something from Disney? Okay so we all know that girls you probably won't have a fairytale price who'll swoop in and save the day and guys we all know you won't ever be that person most likely. But who says we can't do as Disney taught us and just be ourselves? I think high school would be a lot nicer place if everyone just shut the fuck up and stopped judging each other! Now, if you know me, you'll know I'm not a saint, in fact I'm probably hugely judgemental most of the time simply because it is human nature to judge others. But I think that whether you're fat, skinny, tall, short, popular or not you should have a chance and if you screw up that chance I think you should be forgiven and given a second chance. However if you have a chance to be nice and you fuck it up and then you fuck up your second chance too, I'm probably going to hate you. I am aware I keep veering off topic, sorry. 

The lesson to take away from this blog post is that you obviously shouldn't believe everything you see in films but take the lesson that says always be yourself and don't judge others because you wouldn't want to be judged, right?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr Seuss

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