Wednesday 15 January 2014

"Shut Yo' Mouth"

I really think that I have a genuine problem. I just cannot keep my mouth shut... I seem to spend my life talking myself into situations, back chatting teachers or gossiping! Anyone else have this issue? Today for example my mouth ran away with me. I told a friend of mine that this guy who always tries to talk to her (who also happens to be a good friend of mine) had said that they were "besties". This guy used to really fancy my friend so she told her boyfriend. Her boyfriend messaged this guy and now he's angry at me! Oh joy.. If I had just kept my mouth shut right?
It's not as if I don't understand that gossiping is wrong! I know exactly how bad it is and yet I just have this uncontrollable urge to bitch about anyone and everyone (I'm just going to tactfully blame it on being a teenager). I wonder why there's so much bitchiness in our schools today... It probably has always been there but never as badly. With the surge over my lifetime of social media and technology, it's all too easy to find out the latest goings on with the click of a finger! Everyone seems to have iMessage.. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr...
So when does it stop? People are forever complaining about society, what they seem to forget is that we are society and to change the world we first have to look at changing ourselves. I would love to say I will be less bitchy this year, but I know some goals just aren't realistic. So what I'll say instead is that I'll start trying to be a nicer person and stop talking myself into holes.

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” 
― Eleanor Roosevelt

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